Monday, May 11, 2009

Arguments for God's Existence

Both Christian and Muslim theology contain a number of arguments for God's existence. Actually, they are not so convincing for atheists and there are refutations of them. These refutations, in turn, have some weaknesses and also can be refuted. So, theists (those who believe in God) and atheists cannot convince one another by these arguments or their refutations. However, these arguments give theists logical foundation of their faith. I have no intention to convince atheist to believe in God and post these arguments only as a part of theology.

There are four main arguments for God's existence in Christian theology. Other arguments are based on them. The same is, actually, with arguments for God's existence in Muslim theology.

1. Cosmological argument
The fact of the existence of the universe testifies that God exists; the universe is consequence, and God is the cause.

There may be three causes of the existence of the universe:
1. Eternal matter and eternal universe.
2. Accidence as the eternal cause (impersonal cause).
3. Eternal God (Person).

The first variant contradicts the laws of thermodynamics and lost popularity. The second and the third variants are both matters of faith - faith in impersonal evolution or faith in the personal God.

2. Teleological argument
The world is in order. We can see order, purpose, and design in it. This causes us to think that there is the one who designed it - its Creator.

3. Anthropological argument
Human being is a living being, has mind and morality. His existence indicates the existence of the wise, living, and righteous God.

4. Ontological argument
We have a concept of the most perfect Being. The concept of Him involves His existence because something that does not exist is not so perfect as something that exists. Consequently, the most perfect Being must exist.

In the Muslim theology, there are also two arguments for the existence of the only one God. I did not find them in the Christian theology.

1. Burhani Tamanu
Suppose, there are two Gods who equal one another in everything. They both are free in expression of their will and in their power. Suppose, one of them wants a man to move and the other wants a man to rest. There are only three possibilities:
1. The will of each of them is fulfilled. However, this is impossible.
2. The will of neither of them is fulfilled. This means that both of them are not almighty because they cannot fulfill their will. So, this means that neither of them is God.
3. The will of one of them is fulfilled. This means that the other one is not almighty because his will is not fulfilled. However, both of them are equal to one another. It means that both of them are not almighty and consequently neither of them is God.
So, all the three possibilities are wrong.

If the two Gods come to the mutual agreement, it may mean:
1. Their union is forced. Then, both of them are limited in their power, but God cannot be limited.
2. Their union is voluntary, that is, one God willingly submit to another God. Then, the submissive God:
1) is able to contradict the other God. Then, they will fight with one another (see above);
2) is unable to contradict the other God. Then, it means that he is not almighty. The other God is completely equal to the submissive one. It means that he is not almighty either and neither of them is God;
3) has power to contradict, but has no choice, that is, limited in his will. Then, he is also not God.

2. Burhani Tawarud
Suppose, there are several creators of this universe. It may mean one of the three possibilities:
1. In order to create the universe, they had to join their power. It means that none of them is almighty is none of them is God.
2. Each God created everything separately. Then, there would be the same two perfect things, for example, two suns. However, it is useless to create the existing unique thing again.
3. Everything was created by one creator without the others' participation. This means that they were limited in their will and choice. So, they did not create anything. However, all of them are equal. This means that the first one did not create anything either. Then, this world would not exist.

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