Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Main Attributes of Allah

According to Qur'an, Allah is different from everyone and everything:
And there is none like unto Him. (112:4, Yusufali's translation)

Qur'an says that Allah has the most beautiful names (actually, all His attributes and descriptions mentioned here are considered to be His names):
22 Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god;- Who knows (all things) both secret and open; He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
23 Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god;- the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory to Allah! (High is He) above the partners they attribute to Him.
24 He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (or Colours). To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare His Praises and Glory: and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. (59:22-24)

Qur'an encourages people to use these names:
The most beautiful names belong to Allah: so call on him by them; but shun such men as use profanity in his names: for what they do, they will soon be requited. (7:180)

According to hadiths, Allah has 99 names:
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: There are ninety-nine names of Allah; he who commits them to memory would get into Paradise. Verily, Allah is Odd (He is one, and it is an odd number) and He loves odd number. And in the narration of Ibn 'Umar (the words are):" He who enumerated them." (Sahih Muslim, hadith 6475, translated by Abdul Hamid Siddiqui)

Since Allah is different from everything and everyone, He cannot be compared to anything. He can be known only by His names and attributes.

There are 14 His main attributes. Sunni theologians admit all these attributes, but there are some differences in their classification between the schools Ashariyya and Maturidiyya. Maturidiyya theologians usually divide these attributes into two groups:
1. Sifats Zatiyya (or Salbi) - the attributes of the essence of Allah that deny everything inappropriate;
2. Sifats Subutiyya - the attributes that are necessary for Allah.

Sifats Zatiyya:
1. Al-Wujud - existence: Allah exists and His non-existence is impossible.
2. Al-Kidam - eternity without beginning: Allah is eternal without the beginning.
3. Al-Baka - eternity without end: Allah is eternal without the end.
4. Al-Wahdaniyah - being the only one: Allah is one.
5. Al-Muhalafatu-li-l-havadis - difference from everything: Allah is different from everything.
6. Al-Kiyamu-bi-nafsi-hi - self-existence: Allah exists by Himself.

Sifats Subutiyya:
1. Al-Hayyah - life: Allah is always living.
2. Al-Ilm - knowledge: Allah knows everything.
3. As-Sami - hearing: Allah hears everything.
4. Al-Basar - seeing: Allah sees everything.
5. Al-Irada - will: Allah does what He wants.
6. Al-Kudra - power: Allah is almighty.
7. Al-Kalam - speaking: Allah speaks.
8. At-Takwin - creation: Allah creates everything.

Ashariyya theologians accept all these attributes. However, they consider al-Wujud (existence) to be a special attribute, the attribute of existence. Also, they consider consider at-Takwin (creation) as an attribute of Allah's actions that are possible, but not necessary for Him.

Moreover, Ashariyya theologians sometimes make two attributes (a noun and an adjective) for each of Sifats Subutiyya. The reason why they do that is because Mutazilis (one of Muslim heretical groups) made this distinction and taught that only adjectives can be applied to Allah and nouns cannot. Ashariyya and Maturidiyya teach that both adjectives and nouns can be applied to Allah.

Thus, they speak of 20 necessary attributes of Allah:
1. Existence
2. Eternity without beginning
3. Existence without end
4. Difference from everything
5. Self-existence, independence from everything and everybody
6. Being the only one
7. Omnipotence
8. Will
9. Omniscience
10. Life
11. All-hearing (noun)
12. All-seeing (noun)
13. Speech
14. Omnipotent
15. Willing
16. Omniscient
17. Living
18. All-hearing (adjective)
19. All-seeing (adjective)
20. Speaking

They also speak of 20 attributes that are impossible for Allah (these 20 attributes are the oppositions of the 20 necessary attributes):
1. Non-existence
2. Beginning
3. End
4. Likeness to something or somebody
5. Dependence on something or somebody
6. Being more than one
7. Absence of omnipotence
8. Absence of will for something
9. Absence of knowledge about something
10. Absence of life
11. Absence of all-hearing
12. Absence of all-seeing
13. Absence of speech
14. Not omnipotent
15. Not having will
16. Not knowing something
17. Not living
18. Not hearing anything
19. Not seeing anything
20. Not speaking


Anonymous said...

they also said, do and undo of all probabilities(universe etc) is not obligatory to Allah and is only a may.

if its obligatory to Allah or impossible to Allah according to mind, then all probabilities change either to compulsary or impossible.these is not logical to mind.

alttouchhealing said...

from that, Allah is pure n clean from taking any benefit from his makings n law.If not so, then Allah needs things that can provide benefit for him. How it can be valid to say that, infact Allah is the most eminence and the most great. He is rich, wealthy than all others

alttouchhealing said...

attribute: being the only one

Student asks,if Allah is not one, what will usually happen

Sheikh says,if not one, theres nothing to get from this universe

Student asks, why theres nothing from unirverse

sheikh says, If Allah is not one, then he will be weak for example there is another essence similliar with Allah or there is another attribute similiar with Allah.

Student asks, what meaning of weak.

Sheikh says, weak mean not able to give effect through will and power to all probabilities

Student asks, why Allah will be weak to all probabilities

Sheikh says if Allah not one, for example there will be another essence similliar with Allah or there is another attribute similiar with Allah or some doings similiar with Allah. then it will be two and more. if theres more than one then the power at that time will be more than one. But it is already known Allah power and will are subjected to be generalised for all probabilities. If theres an object than cannot be seperated to more than one, how could two wills n powers(more than one) at the same time subjected to give effect to this object(probability), nothing will happen. Hence, the case of more than one is void.

Student asks, if theres two gods, how decision will be made.

Sheikh says, if there r two gods, there will be situations of similliar and different decision making between gods.if one god do, then another got also want to do.then it will a case of doing what have been done. This is another evidence of weak.

Sheikh also says, we continue more later, to discuss attribute Allah is the only one.

Anonymous said...

of all the attributes of Allah, but none of you ever met Allah? Is Allah a lie when it is exist? Is Allah a lie when it you cant see him? Is Allah a lie when you cant hear him? All this attributes describe that Allah can be seen by human otherwise why is human form the perfect form of Allah's creation?

presa1200 said...

do you believe your mom is older than you? no, it needs no belief because a son/daughter can not grow older than his/her own mom. the same goes for Allah, whether you believe or not He still exists, He doesn't need our belief to affirm His existence.

Anonymous said...

Human is perfect among creatures but is not comparable to Allah, we can see, hear and speak with Allah pending upon Allah permission. According to law of mind, creatures are probabilities but Allah is absolute
Allah does not speak through mouth as creatures, but when Allah speaks then the creatures can only speak. Same principle applies to hear and see
Creatures speak with power and will of Allah as power and will attributes are under probabilities justification.

Anonymous said...

Human is perfect among creatures but is not comparable to Allah, we can see, hear and speak with Allah pending upon Allah permission. According to law of mind, creatures are probabilities but Allah is absolute
Allah does not speak through mouth as creatures, but when Allah speaks then the creatures can only speak. Same principle applies to hear and see
Creatures speak with power and will of Allah as power and will attributes are under probabilities justification.